18 hole golf
The winners of last Tuesday’s Teams competition, with a best three of four stableford score of 127 and on a countback from three others, were Caroline Henley, Alette Mead, Geraldine Swann and Mary Craig. There were three twos: Shizue Beniya, Noeline Wigg and Pamela Howden.
Thursday’s scramble results were: Division 1 – Gillian Ge (44 points) Villia Cheng (OCB 38) and Wendy Williams (38); Division 2 – Mitsuko Wada (OCB 40) Elaine Lau (40) and Janice McKinley (OCB 38). There were five twos: Esther Cowper, Laurel Hawkins, Kirsty Fyfe, Judith Bilderbeck and Judy Purchase.
If you would like to play in the Presidents Trophy handicap match play competition, please could we have your entry by Thursday 5 November as we need to know how many tee-times to reserve for the match play rounds. It is played in divisions, and the qualifying round is on Tuesday 17 November and the match play rounds are on Thursday 19 Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 November. The top 8 in each division will qualify for the main draw and, if there are sufficient numbers, there will be flights for those who don’t get into the main draw. Registration is via the Remuera website or Pro Shop. For those of you wanting to play Pennants next year, this will be a good opportunity to hone your match play skills.
Congratulations to Wendy Williams, Maggie Xia and Amy Liang who all scored net 65 in the Auckland Masters on Monday. The winner on a count back was Wendy, with Maggie second and Amy third.
Scramble results for last Wednesday are on the notice board.
There were some excellent results from Monday – handicaps will be tumbling!
Division 1 Division 2
Jenny Griffiths 22pts $23 Gail Plowright 24pts $24
Lyn Claasen 21pts $15 Carol Crighton 23pts 16
Amanda Wilkinson 20pts $12 Judy Naylor 22pts $12
Congratulations to you all.