Our Opening Day was held in windy and showery conditions on Sunday.  This year we experimented with a 8-player Ambrose event where each team split into 2 groups of 4.  The groups then played like foursomes - taking each alternate shot (picking the best).  The groups also alternated on the tees.
The winners were:
Marlene Mak, Chris Hargrave, Maureen Heine & Annette Chan (62.5)
Gillian Ge, Cilla Tsui, Sun Park, Amy Liang, Villia Cheng, Shirley Ip, Vivian Zhu & Merilyn Kavvas (64.37)
Paul Kelly, Iona McKenzie, Nelson D'Souza, Ronnie Tan, Josh George, Johnny Parr, Shaan Kesha & Praful Kesha (55.375)
Steve & Sue Britton, Darren & Sebastian McKenzie, Richard Lin, George Huang, Liz Thomas & Madeleine Gunn (56.96)
Lawrence & Kira Schaffler, Mark & Christine Carroll, Alistair & Karen Plowman, Richard & Carolyn Spilg (57.64)
There were also 6 lucky draw prizes for those participants who didn't feature in the prizes.  We had over 125 players in the event and were all back in the clubhouse in just over 4 hours to enjoy a celebratory lunch and drink.